2022 Election to the Arab-German Young Academy of Science and Humanities
AGYA is housed at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) in Berlin. BBAW is one of the oldest science academies in Germany (founded in 1700).
AGYA members are excellent young scientists from a variety of disciplines. I was elected to AGYA in 2022 in highly competitive process. AGYA active membership is for five years, with life-long membership in the Alumni-Network of AGYA afterwards. AGYA provides support for projects, networking and dissemination activities of its members with a generous support of the Federal Government of German.

2021 Research Excellence Award by Qatar University
A great honor is the reception of Qatar University (QU) Research Excellence Award for Social Sciences and Humanities for the year 2021. This is the highest research-related award at QU and it is evaluated in a highly competitive process based on research activities of the faculty’s last five years. QU is a research-intensive university with more than 1000 faculty members. In 2024, it ranks among the best 200 universities worldwide – 2nd in the Arab region – according to a widely-used international ranking.
2021-2023: Listed among the world's top 2% scientists
In a study by the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford University, the top 2% scientists worldwide are listed since 2021. This study received a wide reception since it considers several metrics including citations, h-index, h-m index and the authors rank (order in publications).
I entered the list in 2021, and was included in the 2022 and lists. In 2021, I was the youngest scientist – based on the year of the first publication – among all the 165 ones from Qatar mentioned in this list.

2006-2011: Study scholarships by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)
I received two scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, for my graduate and undergraduate studies as well as for my doctoral studies. The scholarships also include immaterial support through seminars, trainings and engagement. By the end of my period at FES, I was elected as a federal representative of scholarship holders of FES for one year.